- $10 (Friend): Name Recognition on SoledadMiranda.com
- $30 (Friend Plus): Name Recognition PLUS Soledad Compilation DVD
- $50 (Friend Super): Name Recognition PLUS Soledad DVD PLUS 100 Soledad Hi-Res Digital Photos
- $100 (Friend Mega): Name Recognition PLUS Soledad DVD PLUS Soledad Photos PLUS Digital Download of Soledad Sings! (MP3 Album and Liner Notes)
- $200 (Friend Ultra): Name Recognition PLUS Soledad DVD PLUS Soledad Photos PLUS Soledad Sings! PLUS Lifetime Membership to SoledadMiranda.com archives (over 200 articles and interviews with Soledad including photos and English translations)
If you want to contribute, simply contact me and I will let you know how to send payment. Once you've paid, you will receive your perks in the mail and/or digitally.
More about the Soledad Compilation DVD: I have spent hours carefully curating a career overview with clips of all of Soledad's available films, with introductions to each film and several bonus features like music videos of her songs. It's a perfect introduction to her lesser-known films, and at almost 90 minutes, a full retrospective of her life on film. Right now the only way to get this ultimate collector's item is through this fundraiser.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who are making the book possible, the donors to the Soledad Miranda book fundraiser:YOUR NAME HERE!
Producciones Cibeles (Spain) (in-kind)
Bob and Nancy Brown (USA)
Tim Lucas (USA)
Craig Boland (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Ron Prescott (USA)
Thomas Berdinski (USA)
Troy Howarth (USA)
Matthew Brown (USA)
Miroslaw Lipinski (USA)
Colin Rodgers (USA)
Cristian Cerdan (Spain)
Stuart Lindsay (UK)
Randall Larson (USA)
Charles Park JR (USA)
Frank Correia (Canada)
Kami Rogers (USA)
Francesco Cesari (Italy)
Jeroen de Loor (Netherlands)
Rachel Searcey (USA)
Pete Downs (UK)
Bernd Herzogenrath (Germany)
Eric Rhoades (USA)
Cameron Borg (Australia)
Camden Natysin (USA)
Timothy Spears (USA)
Jason Craig Nelson (USA)
Roberto Curti (Italy)
Craig Howarth (UK)
Michael Lippe (Germany) (in-kind)
There are additional donors, those who bought a Soledad miniature book to contribute to the cost of my research. Thank you to you as well!YOUR NAME HERE!
Tyler (USA)
John Johnson (USA)
Eric Eye (USA)